Garkov is an application of the Markov model to transcripts of old Garfield strips, plus some extra code to make it all look like a genuine comic strip. (via
I’ve never listened to Radiohead, and I don’t think I can name so much as a single song from them, but Radiohead’s Nude played by old computer parts is awesome on so many levels I’m still counting!
Jos oli ennen kaikki paremmin, niin ainakin lelut ovat digitekniikan ansiosta nykyään paljon jännempiä. Eipä nimittäin ollut minun lapsuudessani tällaisia: First Person Perspective R/C Car
Mark Gungor explains the difference between the male and the female brain
First the blogosphere, then Facebook, now Jaiku. When will it end?
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Latest comments
- nikc on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: Richard, you’re right, you can store...
- Richard Hunter on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: Unfortunately, pop state wont help you...
- nikc on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: Richard, Thank you. You’re right, scroll position...
- Richard Hunter on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: This is a clever solution- however...
- llaurén on Better tools for procrastination: Yer welcome!
- nikc on Better tools for procrastination: Well, after evaluating both, I find...
- nikc on Better tools for procrastination: Having taken a closer look at...
- nikc on Better tools for procrastination: One Tab looks nice, too. But...
- llaurén on Better tools for procrastination: Nice catch! I use One Tab to...
- nikc on How to turn your smartphone (nearly) useless in one simple step: Wow, I’d love for the EU...