USB-tikkutesti isojen poikien malliin.
Puhu pukille, naura nakeille.
Nokir E828, näyttääkö tutulta?
Dalimonsteri Stephan G. Bucher:in Daily Monster:issa.
Nokia E90 Communicator. Kivan näköinen lelu.
Guin ne sit loppu?, ihmetteli turkulaismies kun ei ravintolassa tarjoiltu tummaa olutta.
Me suomalaiset voimme ylpeillä meidän luonnonkauneilla misseillämme.
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Latest comments
- nikc on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: Richard, you’re right, you can store...
- Richard Hunter on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: Unfortunately, pop state wont help you...
- nikc on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: Richard, Thank you. You’re right, scroll position...
- Richard Hunter on Managing scrollTop in your Backbone single-page app: This is a clever solution- however...
- llaurén on Better tools for procrastination: Yer welcome!
- nikc on Better tools for procrastination: Well, after evaluating both, I find...
- nikc on Better tools for procrastination: Having taken a closer look at...
- nikc on Better tools for procrastination: One Tab looks nice, too. But...
- llaurén on Better tools for procrastination: Nice catch! I use One Tab to...
- nikc on How to turn your smartphone (nearly) useless in one simple step: Wow, I’d love for the EU...