
Kuolleiden purjehduskenkien seura

Feb 21st 2008

Sosiaalista sarjakuvaa


bq.. In 1978, Jim Davis began a newspaper comic strip called “Garfield”. For almost thirty years, this strip has endured, primarily because its inoffensive, storyless humour is immediately accessible. It is, if not quite the Lowest Common Denominator of the comic world, at least as close to it as one can get without being obviously mediocre.

The comic changes dramatically when one removes the thought bubbles.

“Garfield” changes from being a comic about a sassy, corpulent feline, and becomes a compelling picture of a lonely, pathetic, delusional man who talks to his pets. Consider that Jon, according to Garfield canon, cannot hear his cat’s thoughts. This is the world as he sees it. This is his story.

Arbuckle – Garfield through Jon’s eyes

Suuri osa on melkoista kuraa tai vähintäänkin keskinkertaista, mutta joukosta löytyy kuitenkin joitain todellisia helmiä kuten esimerkiksi tämä Ren & Stimpy henkinen strippi.

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